Please take a few minutes this weekend to show support & solidarity with our Ukrainian brothers & sisters. Little things can have big impacts & it’s important we ALL help our family & friends see with clarity & counter disinformation. UKRAINE IS THE VICTIM PERIOD & FULL STOP!!!! May we at least be COMPASSIONATE & SUPPORTIVE as we’d want reciprocated were OUR homes & communities destroyed, OUR children kidnapped & displaced, OUR elderly parents forced to live in war zones without utilities & unable to move, OUR wives & daughters sexually assaulted, OUR husbands & sons tortured, murdered, or OUR soldiers executed.
We speak up not only for the Ukrainians, but for RUSSIANS who are ALSO victims of the same cruel dictator. BBC estimates 167,000 – 234,000 Russians killed – most from poor, rural areas, exponentially more injured & disabled, thousands imprisoned and millions fleeing persecution. Displaying a Peace sign in Russia gets you jailed. US/Russian dual citizen Ksenia Karelina, a former ballerina, was sentenced to 12 years for donating $50.00 to Ukrainian relief efforts. Ask US basketball player Brittney Griner about Russian prisons. Alexei Navalny sacrificed his life, his beautiful wife & 2 children losing their husband & father, to speak out against such injustice. Let’s support a JUST & LASTING Peace that honors Ukrainians and assures their safety. A few simple suggestions include:
- Changing our Facebook homepage image
- Displaying lawn or window signs or flags
- Purchasing bumper stickers
- Calling our congresspeople & letting them know WE SUPPORT UKRAINE
- Donating to a relief charities – especially vital now that we’ve frozen all US aid, here’s an NPR list I found
As with any crime, the MOST IMPORTANT people informing our views should be the VICTIMS. The Kyiv Post, The Kyiv Independent, Meduzza Russia, Novaya Gazeta Europe, and the Institute For the Study of War are just a few resources I’ve learned from.