Dearest Ones,

These are EXTRAORDINARY TIMES to be sure! Something I’ve been working on these past years is learning how to discover GRACE in the face of challenges, and I know many of us are challenged, especially as we grow older.  We’ve been through a pandemic, are exhausted by Ukraine & Gaza, and are preparing for another huge election in these strange years of unimaginable political division.  We’re adjusting to technologies impacts & intrusions and witnessing climate change manifest right before our eyes.  It’s a lot for ANYONE to take in.

Augst 23-25, 2024 we’ll gather on Sacred Land to create a truly special & magical space to BE with one another. Drawing upon Earth for support, inspiration and guidance, we’ll create a safe and nurturing environment to help us connect with deeper aspects of our Beingness.  We’ll build a unique container that empowers us in slowing down, savoring the richness of Life’s precious moments, and supports us in sharing more authentic, vulnerable and open-hearted connections with others.  Together we’ll work to transform, heal, grow and create a Beloved community for all who are united by an unrelenting stand for the kind of healthier, more Peaceful & Loving world we all know is possible.  I hope you’ll join us in this Blessed endeavor.  We need each other now more than ever, and this is truly an important year to be grounded and in a good and in a healthy and strong place.

If you know someone who could benefit from this kind of loving community & the healing & transformational work we do, we encourage you to invite THEM.  We’re committed to making this work available to all who wish to participate.

The Earth Alive Team