“Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small – we haven’t time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.”

Georgia O’Keefe

There’s a field of being, a larger truth that’s simply beyond words and ultimately unknowable in its’ entirety.  Life is profound, mysterious and precious.  In our most challenging times, it can be helpful to remember that which is timeless, eternal, Sacred – like the vastness of the cosmos, the Magic of stars, and this Miraculous Living Earth.

On the Spiritual path, we must work to nurture the essence of our true nature – our own inner children, through practices like play, laughter and a healthy sense of humor – especially in difficult times.  Russian activist Alexei Navalny was a true master at this, heroically maintaining his sense of humor despite the unimaginable conditions of his imprisonment.  While we know it’s healthy to acknowledge our pain, allow space to grieve & process, and seek support, it is also important to maintain perspective.  This, in and of itself, can be healing & transformative.  As difficult as some of our challenges are, we’re certainly not the 1st generation to go through things.  Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl suggests:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

There are MANY things about our modern world and the events of the past years I wish were not so.  Anyone paying attention is justified in our concern.  Yet when those around us are losing their way, it’s ever more important for us to maintain ours.  Clearly, our world is in need of healing & healers, Visionaries & Peacemakers, and those with the courage to Love.  Given the state of our world & what so many are dealing with, I can’t overemphasize the value of kindness in our world.  Also, in the face of all the turmoil & madness of these extraordinary times, I invite us to fortify our resolve & commit, in the words of Michael Scott from the TV show the Office, to NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER… GIVE UP!!!!!

I was a late comer to the cell phone age & I’m skeptical of some of it’s impacts in our world.  Ease & convenience are not always helpful, especially if excessive focus on comfort diminishes our will, fortitude or grit.  I recently became cognizant of how increases in texting/e-mailing means we spend less time practicing being & speaking with others.  We don’t know the full impact of this, but do know the rise of cell phones coincides with a dramatic rise in mental health issues – ESPECIALLY for young people.

It’s also getting hotter, and the more we favor the comfort of climate controlled indoor environs, our circle of comfort shrinks and, instead of fresh air, we’re inside surrounded by the constant hum of A/C units.  A powerful antidote is to consciously put down our phones, go outside and engage with others.  Especially, as we get older, we must actively resist the urge to withdraw – even if it takes a little effort.  We’re all creatures of habit and as the saying goes – if we don’t use it, we lose it.

If we can be of any assistance to you with any of these, there is no greater joy.  I invite you to join our loving community at Earth Alive, August 23-25, 2024, who are also committed to building a kinder, more Loving, and Peaceful world.  Together we work to touch the timeless magic of life and re-claim it as our natural birthright.

All information & all information on the gathering including registration can be found RIGHT HERE.