Category Archives: Featured


A quick read of FB posts last night indicates that many have faced some tough challenges in 2016. It was quite a year for me also. For those of you who are feeling stretched beyond anything you thought possible I want you to know that you are not alone, and I offer this perspective.

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In the past 5 days, I have lost two people I love, and the cumulative impacts of this long election and its final results have left me in a state of shock. I imagine there are others who feel the same. To those of you in pain, saddened, fearful or worse I offer these words.

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Carbon Emissions Holding 2 Years in a Row – A Little Bit of Good News

I invite you to take a moment to celebrate this small victory, this little step in a world that often seems inundated…

Posted by Bradley Grove Hyson on Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Beloved Family & Friends,

If you’ve never heard of the story of Eva Cassidy, do yourself a favor and take 5 minutes to treat yourself to the most amazing voice EVER – BAR NONE. Powerful, tender, soulful, transcendent, Angelic, with ocean-sized range. She was so talented the industry didn’t know what to do with her, and fitting into a genre, fashion or hairstyle were of no interest or consequence to her, she just wanted to sing songs that moved her. She just sang & played. Read more

Thoughts for a Healthy, Sustainable, Peaceful World

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right.”

Henry Ford

Over the course of 25 years working in the environmental sustainability field, including founding and running one of the largest sustainability organizations in Rhode Island, I have found that solutions exist for virtually every ecological challenge now facing humanity. Given the number and variety of solutions available, I have wondered why they aren’t more widely used, especially by those with the resources and ability to do so. Over the years, as I spent time learning from experts in the field and from some of the wisest and most enlightened human beings ever to walk the planet, I began to understand how few things have a greater impact in determining the quality of our lives than understanding the nature of the mind and how we use thoughts. Read more

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